About Go and discover

Go and discover was born in 2015 and is concipated to share information about the most diverse places and attractions in Europe. Even though Europe is so small in comparison with the rest of the world, there are so many things to discover!

My goal is to make out of Go and discover a dynamic and well-maintained website, rich in information and a website which content comes from the readers.The knowhow, experriences and culture of the readers are very much important to me. I would like to share information about those places you have discovered, their past, their history, their monuments, parks, museums, but also about the people, their celebrations and their culture. All this should be found in Go and discover!

I would like to invite all of you to participate to the project! There are certainly places that you know or like particularly well, or maybe a real passion for a one of those places? Please share them with us. On the right page of each page you will find a button "send us infos", which allows you to send us an article. Or alternatively send us an email to the address  info[@]go-and-discover.com. Also, as we aim to publish the most possible accurate information, please do inform us, if you encounter an information in Go and discover that you would want to complete or if an error has glided into the website despite all our efforts!

Maybe you wonder who I am and how I came to the idea to do this website. My name is Valérie and I am from Geneva, a very much international City. At school my friends used to come from all over the world. I then studied at the EPFL in Lausanne. And after obtention of my diploma, I lived for 5 years in Darmstadt in Germany and then for 10 years in London, which is of course even more international than Geneva and a place I love! After that I moved back to Germany, near Frankfurt, where I have a lot of contacts with people from all over Euope. With this background and this parcours I have discovered many places and countries, small and big cities, their inhabitants and their culture. I have discovered all this not as a tourist usually does but on a more profound way. I enjoyed all these discoveries and experiences very much and I would like to share them with you. I hope that the same happens to you and that you will send me a lot of information and that those will be usefull for many people!


See you soon then!